Top Ten Tuesday: Books to Read at the Beach

Ah, sweet summertime! I love that this week's Top Ten Tuesday is books to read at the beach/pool. I, however, do most of my reading on my couch. So. I'm going to list some of my favorite easy reads and maybe some books I have on my To Be Read list. (There are so many on my TBR list, it's not even funny.) Anywho, here we go.

Favorite Reads: 



To Be Read: 

There are just a few of the books I'm looking forward to reading this summer and some of the books I could read over and over. I'm hoping to do another book club with The Husband's Secret. I just finished one with Little Fires Everywhere and it was fun. 

What's on your summer TBR? 

I've also started watching One Tree Hill from the beginning again, so. We'll see how this reading goes. 

Happy reading! 
