(Reread Write Up) Twilight
Like the rest of the world I got sucked into this story a few years ago and, well, things haven't really been the same since. I remember is fairly clearly: I had gone to see a movie with a friend and we saw the first trailer for the Twilight and she mentioned, "Hey, that's the guy that played Cedric Diggory! You should check these books out!".
I kind of brushed it off for a while until my family and I were getting ready to go on a road trip. I stopped by my local Books-a-Million and picked up the first three, distraught that the fourth wasn't out yet. I had told myself that I was going to wait to read them until my trip, otherwise I didn't know what I was going to take with me. At this point in my life I wasn't as voracious a read as I was now and my personally library was small.
Well. I didn't wait. In fact, I read the first book in less than a day and could hardly wait to get my greedy hands on the next ones. Like most people I devoured the books and waited impatiently for the movie. It was a huge deal for me and my friends (and cousin and sister) at the time and, honestly, it was a lot of fun.
Flash forward seven or so years an Twilight still holds a special place in my heart. I got sucked in by the story and stayed for the friends. There are thing from the book now that make me cringe and things I highly dislike. (Number one being Bella. If you know me at all, you know I'm a Leah girl, all the way.) But there are also things that I love. I love the excitement that comes with finding friends who enjoy the same things that you do (and, in turn, hate the same things that you do), who swoon and fangirl with you, and genuinely are there for you and lift you up whenever you need it.
I made a lot of friends through Twilight and, in a way, it brought me and my family a little closer together. See, on that road trip so many years ago they wouldn't stop pestering me about what I was reading so I ended up reading the entire book aloud. Anytime we were in the car I was reading. It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed it so much that sometimes we didn't want to get out of the car! As far as the friends go...well, you wouldn't think that a book about a stalkerish teenage vampire would bring people together, but it did. (I love you crazy people.)
Anywho, this summer my family and I took another road trip to the Pacific Northwest: home of Forks, Washington and, of course, the home of Twilight. We had such a great time driving around Forks on our self-guided tour that afterward I downloaded Twilight and began my reread. It didn't quite capture my attention like it had before, but Edward was still swoony and Bella still made me roll my eyes. I even tried to read Life and Death aloud, but I couldn't get past my giggles enough to continue past the first chapter.
So, yeah, maybe Twilight is kind of silly...but I think we all need some of that in our lives sometimes.
Here are some pictures from my trip to Forks. If you're a Twilighter, I highly suggested making your way there. It's a lot of fun.
When you find a meadow in Washington, but all the vamps are gone.
We made it, yay!
Bella's truck outside the Forks' Welcome Center.
The Swan House (with large PRIVATE RESIDENCE sign on the other side).
Pacific Pizza! So good. Go there.
Making people feel weird by taking pictures outside of their window.
Go Spartans!
Making people feel weird by being myself.
Display inside the Forks' Police Department.
Found the chief!
Cullen House!
Edward's piano and graduation caps.
La Push!
That sound is me, falling in love with First Beach.
Found Jacob.
It was too sunny.
When your sister loves you enough to help you recreate that one scene and your mom loves you enough to take the picture even though we were in California, not Washington.
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